New Theme - Tabi

I've changed this sites theme to Tabi.

Its previous theme was DeepThought.

I did this because I created a web client for Mapage and used the Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI libraries to style it and was so impressed that I wanted to use a Tailwind CSS based theme on my website. So I looked up Tailwind on the Zola themes page and decided to go with Tabi as it looked great and was recently maintained.

There was just one problem though. Tabi doesn't use Tailwind but does mention it in its readme file. This is how Tabi would've ended up in the search results I got when I searched for Tailwind themes on the Zola themes page.

Fortunately this was only a minor oversight that has had no affect on the outcome of my selection and installation of Tabi on this site, but it does show that to know exactly what you're getting you should read the readme file fully (which I did not do) and search the codebase for keywords (such as "Tailwind") and read the code itself (or just the relevant part or parts like this) so that you know exactly what you are getting and not being surprised when the thing you selected doesn't actually work the way you thought it did.