Corlib Version 0.2.0 Released

Corlib Version 0.2.0 has been released with the following change notes:

  • Added a sync module.
  • Added Notifier and associated NotifierWaitResult and NotifierWaitTimeoutResult objects which are intended to make it easier to work with the standard Condvar object.
  • Stopped the .vscode directory from being tracked in the repository.
  • Added the get_some module and macro.
  • Added the inc_dec module which provides macros for convenient incrementation and decrementation of numeric values.
  • Changed the name of the get_contents_ref methods on both RcByPtr and WeakByPtr to contents.
  • Fixed RcByPtr module visibility.
  • Added dyn_hashing_and_cmp traits under collections.
  • Manually implemented Clone on RcByPtr and WeakByPtr.
  • In RcByPtr and WeakByPtr their “new” methods now take references rather than values.
  • “take” methods have been added to RcByPtr and WeakByPtr which drops self and returns the contained value.
  • Added the as_any trait and its associated impl_as_any macro.
  • Cleaned up RcByPtr and WeakByPtr, changed the naming of their upgrade and downgrade methods and implemented PartialOrd and Ord on both structs.
  • Added a MovableText enum for when you want to move Strings or a static String slices around.
  • Cleaned up text_enums: removed ScopedText, ScopedStaticText and some old comments.
  • Added “#![doc = include_str!("../")]” to the top of the file.
  • Removed a lot of comments from
  • deprecated all of and
  • Updated the documentation for GapFillingCounter.
  • Updated the project description in the Cargo.toml.
  • Updated the
  • Updated and added documentation for: AsAny, impl_as_any, DynHash, DynPartialEqOrEq, DynHashAdapter, DynPartialEqOrEqAdapter, KeyValuePair, Queue, ListArgsEvent, ListEvent, SkipOnce and Notifier.
  • Deprecated HashsetItem struct and Invalid trait.
  • Added module level documentation to collections.
  • Updated the module level documentation for events.